Woolpit Tennis Club

Date: February 2019

Location: Bury Saint Edmunds

Products: Sport & Stadium Flood Light

Project Details

Number of Courts: 4

Number of Columns: 4

Column Height: 10 meters

Products Used: 16 x SPFL 400W

Light Levels Achieved: 490 Lux

Uniformity: 0.7



“Woolpit Tennis Club are an active village club with around 150 members, playing social and league tennis year-round in Suffolk. Having struggled along for many years with ineffective floodlights on their 4 asphalt courts the committee decided to upgrade to LED lighting. The metal halide lamps that had provided lighting for over 20 years were costly to maintain and obtaining lamps was proving more and more difficult.


Ray Gough, the Chairman of Woolpit Tennis Club who is also tasked with maintenance contacted Armadillo Lighting who surveyed the courts and provided a report including computer modelling which showed that with correct installation the Club could still use the existing towers and by simply replacing the existing 16 x 1,000 watt heads with Armadillo 400 watt LED luminaires the light levels would be improved dramatically and be more even across each court, with very little overspill (important for local residents)


Ray chose Armadillo to both supply and install the LED Luminaires and the work was carried out over 2 very cold, snowy days in late January. The difference in light level is quite remarkable, but the real difference is the even spread of light across each court (members can no longer use the excuse of not being able to see the ball as an excuse for a poor shot). It is also a huge bonus that the lights come on instantly, no 10 minute warm up or cool down periods like the old set up.


There is an obvious cost saving in power consumption, though that is not the most important issue for Ray and the Woolpit committee. The real benefits come from better, more even lighting with an extended warranty, Armadillo being so confident of their product. The LED’s have been met with unqualified approval from members and from visiting teams who have also commented on how good the lights are and will be seeking to upgrade themselves soon as metal halide lamps may soon be scaled back or even ended by the EU and other world bodies in the name of efficiency.”


Ray Gough
Chairman of Woolpit Tennis Club